Lip filler & Botox:

I’ve received a TON of questions from those interested in Botox &/or fillers… 😏
For whatever reason: Cosmetic procedures have been something that so many undergo, but not many talk about….(or are at least open/honest about) — WHY IS THAT!?!?

📢 PSA:
there is NO shame in choosing to do what makes you happy,
and being open/honest about it!
I LOVE botox and fillers.
They instantly give me the results I want.
There is no shame in feeling better about yourself
and what you see looking back at you in the mirror.

Before starting my botox and filler routine, I was SO self conscious about my extremely thin lips – i never wore lip color, because it was a waste to, and i didn’t want to draw more attention to the lack of lips I had. I also had a deep-ish wrinkle in my forehead i was unhappy with…

I firmly believe in doing whatever it is that makes you feel the most confident and comfortable in your own skin. It’s no secret that I’ve been getting Botox in my forehead & crows feet + filler in my lips & laugh lines, for years! — Ive taken yall with me many times on instagram.

Maybe its because we have gotten older, or maybe because its finally less of a secret/taboo to get cosmetic work done, i have been flooded with questions and peeked interested – so I wanted to repost the following info to those of you inquiring!


There is a BIG difference between Botox and fillers….
but I often hear them referred to incorrectly.

“BOTOX” is a PREVENTATIVE… As well as a corrective! Botox limits expression & movement, *which overtime untreated, cause deep set lines and wrinkles.*

I started getting botox in my mid? 20’s… (Im now 30.) It is SO much easier to prevent something, rather than correct something…. Why wait until you have noticeably deep wrinkles to get botox?!? (I get 22ml of Botox, 2-3x a year in my forehead, and around my eyes, to help reduce & prevent wrinkles.)

The effects of a Botox injection are temporary. results vary but typically last about 4 months. Each little quick injection feels like a small prick. Honestly, its super quick and quite painless. After the treatment you feel no difference, but you SEE a HUGE difference (the following few days, and until the treatment wears off) in how much softer and youthful your forehead *or whatever areas you had injected* are!

Instant youth juice for your face, fam.


“FILLER” is exactly that — it fills, while creating shape, definition and volume! This can be used in many areas on the face and body, such as around the mouth and in the lips, the cheekbones, in any lines above lip, the under eye, on or around the nose & chin, and hands.

I get filler in my lips, to create a fuller pout, as well as my “laugh lines”, to soften the appearance of the indention. Specifically, “Lip injections” are injectable dermal filler. This contains a substances similar to hyaluronic acid – a natural substance found in the body. (There’s several fillers on the market. Recently, we use 1ml kysse in lips & 1ml vollure in cheeks and laugh lines. Getting filler in your cheeks along the cheek bones gives more structure and definition to the face. AKA: cheek pop 🙂

They begin treatment by using a thick numbing cream for about 30 min. (I get asked a ton if it hurts, and honestly it feels like a needle getting shoved into your lips multiple times, lol — but It’s tolerable, & quick.) It feels like stinging & pressure… but achieving my desired results make it all worth it. *Most fillers contain some lidocaine, a local anesthetic to help with the pain during and after treatment as well.* You can also ice the area to help with any discomfort, swelling, and bruising.

The effects of filler typically last around 6 to 18 months. Depending on the area used, smoking, drinking, sun exposure, age, genetics, your bodies metabolism rate breaking down the product. Basically what im saying is, like pretty much anything in life – Results vary. Your body will break down the product over time naturally on its own. (My routine fill is actually every 4-5 months, so I do tend to go more frequent than the average because I find i break it down faster… most likely due to my bad habit of biting my lips and cheeks/making those facial movements often —- I forreal need to cut that shit out – its a terrible habit!!) *Note to self*

💉 How much will this cost me?

Cost depends on many factors, such as the area treated, amount of product needed, and the type or product used to achieve desired results…. (Treatments can cost anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand)…..A consultation is necessary to give you this information!


Typical side effects include minimal bleeding, bruising & swelling to the area treated. I am a sweller….I typically bleed during injection and swell almost double the actual outcome size, for about 24-72 hours after treatment… This goes down on its own in time. *ice also helps.* However some people bruise – its going to determine on how your body heals — but these side effects are minimal and only last a few days! *I always recommend giving yourself about a week prior to any big event or occasion to allow your self time to fully “recover” 😉

Please also note: It may take multiple visits and product to achieve the look you want. you can not instantly go from lip-less, to Angelina Jolie… But you will certainly go to a natural subtle lip after the first appointment! You can always add more to get your desired result.


You should ALWAYS go to a trained professional. This may be a “minimal procedure” but there are still risks involved, like any other procedure. PLEASE only see a trained/certified professional, for ANY and all medical/cosmetic treatments.

I have two favorite injectors, depending on the area you are, I recommend checking out either:

Caroline Ruhl.
*Tell her I sent you!! 😉
you can book your appointment here:
CALL (240) 780-5400
Or book online here:
At SkinSpirit, Gaithersburg Maryland location! (215 Market St. W.Gaithersburg, MD 20878)

or Meg Fox !
She has been a friend of mine, and done my filler/botox for many many years now (since I began) — She has her own location called Meg Fox Aesthetics, located in towson, maryland! You can call 301-778-1467 or book online, To set up your consultation!! 
*Tell her I sent you!!! 😉

💉 MY Before & After pics:

This was after my first fill ever!! lol
I WAS SO HAPPYYYYYY, especially during the 24 hour – 2 week time frame!

My top lip was much fuller and much more defined.
*only half a syringe was used at this time – very minimal to start*

“before” photos were taken before any treatment.
I legit had no top lip.

“after” photos here were taken 1 week after treatment,

*a few years into my usual treatment routine* This was after building up to a full syringe over multiple visits.

^ My usual AFTER lips,
for about 4 months post treatment 🙂 …until i’m due again for upkeep.

^ Before: my natural lips. before any fill ever…You can see how thin and flat they were….
NO room for wearing any lip color, and if i tried to wear it, it would just end up on my teeth minutes later 🙁 lol

After: (photos taken last year, and well into my usual routine.
Built up to one and a half syringe for a much fuller pout.)

My Before & After!
After = multiple sessions, *using a full syringe*

Most recent …photos both bare face and taken one week apart.
Before (was taken last month, but im well overdue for my routine maintenance)
& After
(24 hours after doing botox, filler in cheeks and lips) You can see how much more structure and definition this gave my overall appearance. Especially the lips and cheek bone area.
Same as above, just after doing my makeup 😉
….With the power of makeup,…*and cosmetic fillers*

Before & After: my routine dysport & lip filler. @Caroline Ruhl out here doin the lords work, keepin me lookin fresh & youthful. *tell her I sent you!!* 🤗✨💛 #dysport #skinspirit #beforeandafter #skincare #selfcare #maintenance #lipfiller kysse #filler #botox

♬ Cornfield Chase – Dorian Marko

I hope I was able to clear some info up for those of you interested!

Let me know if you have any more questions about any cosmetics procedures!! xo