You made it!!!
I’m SO happy you’re here!
Grab a drink,
and a snack…
or two!
Let’s have a little real life chat
to get things started…
I’ve wanted to start a blog
for SO LONG….
But here we are *years later,* and i’m FINALLY writing my first post!
Theres many reasons why i’ve wanted to blog! (Most of you know, I already have a social platform / influencer presence, that began back in 2009! But that had always been more video/photo forward, rather than anything written.)
I enjoy writing. Like I enjoy doodling. I find them both therapeutic. I definitely feel i am able to express myself in a much more detailed and in a clearer way on paper (or in this case, through a phone/computer screen) than talking/speaking/face to face.
*Thanks, anxiety.*
I also enjoy reading blogs… Reading in general, really. I have followed along with many other bloggers over the years. Reading allows my imagination to wander off with the words it’s processing. (like when you read a book, then later see a movie based on that very same book, and a character or a scene doesn’t match what you had in mind…. weird.)
I too find myself on blogs that include:
how-to/beauty/fasion/recipes/diy/etc type of content, constantly!
I would love to contribute to these type posts, for others to enjoy who are also interested in these same topics!
While we’re on the subject…..
– Click here to make sure you are still subscribed to my youtube channel!
– And here to make sure you are following me on instagram!!!
Ultimately, I find this to be an incredible outlet to reach all of you, in a much more personal way! Providing one place — a home — for all of my social platforms, posts, thoughts and ideas, etc!
Here, I am able to update much more frequently. Youtube and Instagram (along with the handful of other social platforms I’m on) are not as easy for me to share everything as often, or in as much detail that id like with you…. It’s also been frustrating ever since all of the analytic changes, because my videos/photos on youtube/IG are not always seen for whatever reason. It makes me sad when i receive messages asking for content i have already done before, but it was not seen… or asking where I have been, when I have been posting!!!!
Dont you worry love bugs, Im not going anywhere! 😉
I plan to have exclusive weekly blog posts here, while also including updates across all platforms! Hopefully that will help us connect even more and keep everyone up to date with my latest content!! 🙂

SO – Back to the “years later” comment —
*Takes deep breath &
a sip of coffee i’ve re-heat 3 times today already*
I didn’t have much knowledge whatsoever about how to put a blog together…
*spoiler alert: Im still learning.*
I’m also guilty of the following:
- Overthinking.
- Wanting things to be “perfect” (When i know full well, nothing ever is, nor will be!) —– Does anyone else find themselves in the same struggle at times?? Kinda like, when you look at a picture of yourself for too long, and then suddenly your brain tells you “EW” -_- so then you hate the photo…. WHYYYYY?!
- I’ve also struggled myself, with trying to balance XYZ in life. Finding the healthy balance and prioritization between myself, family, friends, work, etc — Still, all of this i will willingly admit, is somewhat my own fault for letting it get the best of me at times.… *Thank you AGAIN, anxiety*
– REAL TALK: People are funny like that — in a sarcastic, lackluster, not funny whatsoever, super annoying kind of way — getting ourselves overwhelmed with day to day activities. Wanting perfection. Fear of failing. Comparing ourselves to others, especially to what we see on the internet. Procrastinating. Forgetting…. you get the picture. We lose sight of what is important. *** BTW, im convinced i’m not alone in these thoughts…. also im hoping i can persuade you *if anything mentioned resinates with you,* along with myself of course – to put an end to all that. To remember to always do our best. To accept our flaws. Admit & learn from our wrongdoings. To continue to move forward, and to grow.

So onto my blog name: “TaylorBeeMadeMe”
My original idea was literally just my name: TaylorBee . com
Sadly, it is not available……..
(Well, it is, BUT someone actually has it listed for sale, FOR $2,000!!!)
I’m not joking.
SO I had to get creative and thought up the current name…
“Taylor Bee Made Me.”
The idea was a play on words. (much like my previous username: “beeisforbeeauty” that began back in 2009.) Back then, My content was really only about beauty/skin/hair and some fashion, BUT it has since grown, and expand into manyyy more topics! (Including fitness/health, lifestyle, home decor, and more!) Much of my content now also includes DIY projects: Where I am physically making something.
It was also inspired by shopping/wanting something, as you often think of what or who persuaded you to try a new product or brand. SO, If i’m guilty of making you buy or try something, as a result from seeing any of my videos/posts/in person or internet recommendations, then you get it! 😉 *….and, you’re welcome!* 🙂

My hope for this blog is to create a positive & fun space for us to communicate! To keep it real. To further explain whatever topic it may be, in better detail! A home for EVERYTHING here on out, making it easier for you to find whatever we share a mutual passion, or idea about.
And most importantly, for you to leave each page feeling inspired, uplifted, and with plenty of tips, tricks & hacks, to satisfy all of your beauty/fashion/DIY/fitness/home/food/life needs!
*While on a budget!*

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/taylorbee
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/_taylor_bee_
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@taylor_bee
LTKit: https://www.liketoknow.it/TaylorBee
OBSW.it: https://obsw.it/TaylorBee
AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/shop/beeisforbeeauty
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Taylor__Bee
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/Taylor__Bee
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/beeisforbeeauty
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/TaylorBee