ok, ok, ok.
I’m sure you want me to just jump to it, right?
HOW exactly did i lose 50 LBS…?!

WELL, Let me tell you…
I worked my MFASS off.
One day something in me just snapped.
I became motived, and decided i did NOT want to look or feel the way i did anymore. I wanted to look and feel confident in my own skin. Proud to accomplish the challenges ahead. And most importantly, to be healthy and strong.
I began by setting goals for myself.
- To keep myself on track, i made myself a motivation board. Basically, this is poster board of motivational photos, quotes etc AND a count down from my current weight, to progress goals along the way, and ultimately to my end goal weight.
- I also reward myself along the way. As i mentioned i would choose half way points as progress goals. *you can see mine highlighted and circled.* I decided i would treat myself to things… for example: new work out clothes, eventually getting my breast lift, etc, once i reached a significant number. This kept me motived, and boost my self esteem, while working hard towards my goal weight, *but also that particular reward.*
I know these may not work for everyone, or may even seem silly to some, BUT if you’re someone who finds themself succumbing to excuses more often than not, than this may work for you. I always had excuses – until i didn’t.

but here is the count down chart I have kept and used since I began my journey!
I set myself up for success.
As I mentioned above, i decided to get healthier with my lifestyle overall using this idea of balance. I began healthier options, and doing them more than the not so healthy routine / eating. I did these *no-brainer* changes to work on a healthier me.
- I removed temptation of unhealthy food from my apartment, and stopped buying food i knew was unhealthy –
- I made a weekly work out schedule. That I could write on / make notes / cross off after it was accomplished.
- I began walking more than driving, or than taking the bus.
- I started drinking more water, and flavored seltzers, instead of soda/juice.
- I drank less alcohol overall. But also changed what i was drinking when I did.
- Started doing “smarter food/drink swaps” *well come back to that later on*
It may not seem like much, walking more than driving or taking the stairs rather than the elevator, or using greek yogurt instead of full fat dressing, etc — BUT Lot’s of little changes will add up, and really help you to reach your goal.
I got MOVIN’!
I will get into more detailed specific workout routines, etc- in its own section… but here is the basic info for now:
- I started to work out 3-4x a week… (compared to before like, 0-2x? a week) I began with cardio during this new routine.
- I would work out in a gym and do either a stationary bike on high intensity, or the stationary stairs, or treadmill on an incline, fast pace walking. I would do each of these an hour at a time, giving it my all. Basically whatever got my heart rate up, and got me SWEATING.
- (FYI: Im NOT a runner. Never have been. I actually loath the thought of it. BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t do cardio another way. Remember, there are more ways to get your heart rate up. High intensity is your friend. Try other machines or forms of cardio to see what works for you.) I did that for about 4 months. No excuses.
- ok – now, i’m somewhat hooked at this point. (They say working out can become an addiction, and i can attest to that. It boost my mood and i would feel better when i finished working out) SO I then shift into cardio, AND weight training, as i wanted to build muscle and tone, while losing weight/fat.
- I started to do 2x a day’s… which I know some of you may mock, but *KEEP IN MIND* i was DRIVIN, fam. – i had already started losing a few lbs so I was on a high, kicking my own ass, i felt GOOD, and less stressed after a work out. So i didn’t mind the 2x a day, 3-4, and some times 5 days a week, (rather than adding more days a week for the hour i was previously doing.) Either way, i increased my work out routine, and added HIT/weight lifting, with low resistance and high reps. (Cable machines/free weights 10-15 lbs) I did this for about another 4 months.
- I then shift back to working out once a day 4-5 days a week.
- Now i was switching my days: from cardio, to weight training.
- Or i would split my work outs, like 30 min warming up with cardio, and then finishing 30 min with lifting.
- I began lifting heavier as well, because i was getting tone and so much stronger. I’m talkin’ heavy dead lifts, row machine, weighted squats, leg press, repeat.
I did my research.
I wanted to get more into understanding what i was eating/drinking, how it effected my body and learning to read/compare labels. (PSA: it is SCARY what people choose to manufacture and what we blindly ingest…)