reaching a certain number on the scale or a clothing size,
is not all rainbows and butterflies:

The truth is:
I STILL struggle with my body image.
It’s funny, i remember vividly thinking when i began my lifestyle changes, that i thought i would be happier all the time *when i reached a certain number on the scale*… That it was like the answer to all my other problems… but that did not happen, and the was not the case.
Was i happy i reached my goal, more comfortable with myself & proud i worked so hard to prove i can do it? YES.
But did it fix everything? make the rest of my imperfections/things I was self conscious of go away? No.
It can consume you, if you’re overly conscious with your choices… I have had to remind myself many times over the years that the number on a scale, or the size on my clothing, does not define me or my self worth.

Also: Let’s just put it out there – being an “influencer” comes with being judged — which sucks. — BUT I have come to terms with the fact i am never going to be please everyone — no matter how hard i try, i will never ever be everyones cup of tea – personality wise, appearance wise, weight, wise, style wise, etc… But that’s ok.
I also know “healthy” looks different on everyone. all our bodies are different. I have received countless comments and messages over the years that i’m “too fat” & “too skinny”….. i’ve even had the “YoU lOoKEd bEtTeR BeFoRe” and “you’re anorexic / you’re too skinny” comments! — *eye roll* — PSA: my health and happiness is up to me. What i think and feel about myself, is what truly matters. The same goes for you, and the way you look and feel about yourself. Do not change the way you look to simply appease someone self.
SO while we’re here, let me throw out a gentle reminder to those who feel the need to comment such things to others:
Be kind. Do not be so quick to judge someone else. And don’t any say anything unless its nice. We are all on our own journey, and have our own shit to deal with behind closed doors – “healthy” is not a one size fits all. what you see on the outside, or on social media, may not show you the full picture of what someone is dealing with or going through. Be a nice human.