I gained weight while I was on my own away in college. My lifestyle overall, & eating habits changed from what I had known prior. (FYI: “freshman 15” is a saying, for a reason…LOL, it could be more or less, but it is typical to gain weight due to the change in lifestyle. I actually gained about 30lbs while in college… But I had since lost that, + more than I was even before college.)
My parents did not “work out”. I had not see this as part of a weekly/daily routine as a child so that was never instilled at a young age. I did not grow up with a “work out” routine myself, and my extracurricular as I got older in middle and high school was really just cheer/dance.
I also did not have much education about food and health. I ate what was prepared by my parents as a child/teen, and then ate blindly by cost and taste otherwise. I had to research and teach myself along the way. Like reading nutrition labels, or what exercises work what part of the body, – etc.
My weight gain happened over a period of time, due to my own lack of knowledge, lack of guidance/routine, and choosing to live a more sedentary, rather than active lifestyle. I was eating cheap and convenient food. I was more consumed with my studies, and socializing, than I was taking care of myself.
No matter the reason (because there are many) I feel this is a common issue many of us find ourselves struggle with at some point in time – specifically, controlling our weight;
while trying to find the balance between life, family, friends, work, school, etc – and choosing convenience more often than not, for example: fast food, rather than meal planning, or cooking something healthier, etc.
I also think many people are also very uneducated as I was, when it comes to portion control, serving size, and reading nutritional facts.