Let me start off with saying, in no way do i want to take away from how serious a matter this pandemic is. It has been devastating to so many. Taking an unimaginable amount of lives. Caused so much hardship for countless people all over the world. And my condolences go out to all/any of you effected by the epidemic…
I do truly feel this was a wake up call in many ways for the human race. Not only in an obvious medical and financial way, but on a personal level as well. Both physically and mentally.
The last couple weeks have been very stressful for everyone. Especially those who have continued to work as essential. You have not gone unnoticed, and we ALL appreciate you. THANK YOU SO MUCH to health care providers, those working in restaurants and delivering, mail carriers, grocery stores, and trash pick up, etc – for contenting to provide your time, and service, to others.
This has been a time to realize how much we take for granted. Simply enjoying a meal at a restaurant, or grabbing drinks at happy hour with your friends or coworkers, attending birthday parties and celebrations – occasions we never thought twice about going to! (unless you’re naturally an introvert, and typically made excuses to stay home often already) 😉

Let’s also point out how hard it became to purchase misc items –
groceries, antibacterial soap, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, paper towels, milk, H20, cleaning products – etc!!
I had never thought about buying such items in multiples/bulk.
(Unless of course maybe a snowstorm was on the way…)
*PSA: If you happen to find yourself with extra items, due to impulse buying… *YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE* — or just so happen to be a dooms day prepper/hoarder/bulk-buyer/collector/couponer/simply already have enough items on hand — Maybe you have some groceries that you just won’t be able to prepare before they are dated to go bad. — I hope you offer them to others who may be in need of them…
Those who wouldn’t ask, but would greatly appreciate the household products/groceries. My heart broke watching an older couple, so distraught as they were able to purchase items on their list.
While we are all facing this in our own way, we are in fact in this together, and must remember to be kind to one another!

If we can stop to take a moment and look for a light at the end of the quarantine, it has been an opportunity for most of us to slow down a bit. Some of us, including myself, have been spreading ourselves too thin. As hard as this pandemic may have been or may currently be for you, i hope you have at least been humbled.
“Bored in the house & Im In the house bored”
I put together a bunch of ideas for you to try if you (dare i say) somehow found yourself “bored” or stir crazy – or maybe you’re overwhelmed and stressed from having more interaction at home than you’re used to — After all, even those of us who work from home full time may be more accustom to this type of environment, it can be strange having someone/others home with you, 24/7…
1. Get Creative!
Try a new hobby or enjoy whatever ones you already have!
- take up an instrument.
- Embrace your Art! doodle, scrapbook, journal, paint, calligraphy, crafts of any sort!
- Practice a new makeup technique…(who cares if its just worn around the house, or to take your pup on a walk around the neighborhood! You can’t learn something if you don’t practice!) So, apply that bold lip color, wing that eyeliner, work that smokey eye, or test the new products you *probably ordered during the recent Sephora sale! 😉 Check our my sephora recommendations here!*
- Garden!
- Test new recipes, cooking or baking! (Ive gotten really into baking, and decorating deserts! (….more on that soon!) 😉
- Read a book ,or two….or three. What day of quarantine are we on?
- Catch up on a podcast, movie or TV series.
- Do some yoga! namaste.
- ….is napping a hobby…? NamastayInMyBed.
- Have Good ole’ fashion family time, doing a puzzle, playing board games, video/computer games.
- Learn a new language! take one of the courses offered online.
- Been meaning to get a certain certificate or licensing? sign up and take the classes via the web!
There are countless hobbies you can pursue!!
2. Clean & Organize… ALL OF THE THINGS!
Deep cleaning and organizing make a huge difference for me, in my anxiety….Im about to expose my slight OCD- cleaning/organizing obsessed- **inner Monica Geller** – Having the control to remove clutter and code whatever it may be, by color, size, category, etc – is SO satisfying. Especially when complete!

- Deep clean. Im talking every. single. room. vacuum/mop/windex/sanitize/scrub/etc- top to bottom! Get out all the dust/germs/pollen that’s built up!!
- Clean off the top of your cabinets and appliances.
- Clean out your pantry, refrigerator and freezer. And i mean, take EVERYTHINGGGGG OUT. Check the dates, and scrub the insides. …You’ll be amazed what you’ll find stuck to the shelving….*gags*. Then restock with the items that are still within the best by date.
- Clean out all the half drank water bottles, and dunkin’ iced coffee paper straw wrappers from inside your car…… 😉
- Dump everything out from inside your closets and drawers, Then start to sort everything into piles.
- Keep, Donate, and an optional sell pile. (This is a great option to make some extra $$$, while purging items you no longer want/need! You can plan to have a garage sale once social distancing is over, or simply sell the items from home using a resell app!

If it’s something you have never worn, or haven’t worn is 6 months or longer, reevaluate the importance of that item taking up space!
3. Get back on track…
Maybe you’d like to focus more on your health! (weight-loss goal/muscle toning) Allow yourself more time to work out, and/or meal prep!! Let’s be honest: most of us probablyyy let up a bit on our restrictions and self control during this time…. *takes another bite of a chocolate chip cookie, FULL WELL knowing I should be eating an apple instead……* BUT, hey, you can still start your healthier lifestyle plans TODAY!!!…….or tomorrow 😉
- Go for a bike ride, walk or run!
- Check out some fitness/work-out apps or websites/youtube channels etc courses available, for inspo, and get movin! Theres TONS of free work out classes and routines to get ideas from!
- Just turn on some music and DANCE!
- You don’t need a gym membership or to own expensive fancy equipment to get in a good work out! *here’s my fave affordable home gym must haves!*
- Challenge yourself! A fitness and/or healthy eating challenge can be fun! Whatever you decide, YOU CAN DO IT!
- EX: Try not having soda/energy drinks for a month!
- EX: or a push-up/squat/situp challenge, begin day 1 with 5 of each, then increase by 2 each day. When you reach day 30, you’ll be doing 60 of each!!)

4. Honey Do.
Have you been watching HGTV, or scrolling through Pinterest, and feel inspired to fix/update something around the house or yard?! Well, nows the time!

- Paint the room.
- Hang the pictures/art/shelving.
- Change the light fixtures, hardwares, or appliances.
- Fix whatevers broken & replace what’s worn out.
- Plant some trees, mow the lawn, remove the weeds. garden!
- Feeling extra spontaneous …? start to renovate! DEMO DAYYYYY!
What ever it may be, get it done!
Cross off items on your to-do list! You’ll feel so accomplished!

Since salons have been closed, you’re probably LONG overdue for a routine appointment… SO, why not treat yourself and have a little at home spa day!?!
- Mani/pedi.
- Skincare: facial/face mask/skincare treatments.
- Deep Conditioning hair treatment. *I DO NOT RECOMMEND CUTTING OR COLORING YOUR OWN HAIR WITHOUT PRIOR EXPERIENCE, but if you do happen to have the impulse to, or even pull a Britney circa 2007……pls send me pics of the results 😉
- Bodycare: exfoliate dead skin, old self tanner, (and regrets) with a body scrub. lather up with a hydrating body wash and lotion or oil. dermaplane/Shave/wax/pluck/at-home laser hair removal. self-tan, etc-!

…or do the complete opposite!! Pampering doesn’t mean you have to do a full beauty routine –sometimes, the simplest little luxury are the most rewarding.
- Enjoy a candle lit bubble bath.
- Sleep in! Get some extra beauty sleep.
- let your skin breathe, and be makeup free!
- Take out that weave, and go heat/product free.
- let your typical full set of nails be natural.
- Sit out in the sunshine!!! Enjoy the fresh air, and work on your tan during your little *staycation* while working from home (rather than feeling trapped inside an office during this beautiful weather!)
Just do what ever it is that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed! 🙂

6. Socialize….Apart!
Social distancing and “staying home” doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be alone!
- Call and/or text your loved ones!
- If you live in a close neighborhood, “get together” by having drinks/a meal “together” while enjoying eachothers company (from afar) in your own yards/driveways.
- OR meet up in the local cul-de-sac. Bring your own lawn chair or a blanket, and hang out in a social distance circle. Cheers!
- Although we can’t attend house parties or functions together to celebrate there are still ways to make someone feel special for their big day — you could draw or write messages in chalk on your/their driveway. Drive by parade style! Make posters to bring with you or to place in their yard!
- Try a virtual happy hour with a beverage of your choice, catching up with friends or family on facetime/webcam, or one of the apps/websites available! Interacting with others “face to face” can help with any human interaction withdrawal you/they might be experiencing.

PSA: Its SO important to check in on those you have not heard from in a while…Some struggle more than others with social distancing, especially those who live alone.
Let them know you’re thinking of the and rememberer, that laughing is the best medicine.
7. Support your local businesses!
Theres many ways you can still help your community. The easiest ways are to
- Buy a gift card now to use at a later date! This is a great gift option to have on hand for upcoming celebrations, while also supporting the business during this hard time.
- Order take-out or delivery directly from the business! Although they may not normally offer delivery, the recent changes have allowed many to start this service, including full menu, limited menu, daily specials, and even alcohol! Check your local websites and facebook page, or call to get more info!
- Have a “date night” …at home! You can either cook a fancy (or not so fancy) meal or grab some food to-go from one of your local faves and set up the dining room or a spot outside and enjoy each others company in a more intimate-out of the usual routine- meal time set up! Or maybe a lil surprise breakfast in bed!? Breakfast food for dinner is my fave!!! BRINNER!

I Hope some of these ideas help you and your family stay motived. Stay busy in a positive way during the current Stay Home / quarantine (but also any other time you may need some inspo how you can be productive, without spending money and in the comfort of your own home!) No matter how you choose to spend time home, I wish nothing but the best for you and your loved ones, always!